Friday, August 24, 2012


Holidayyyy. Yeayyy :D
potato head in the midnight
breakfast :D
while waiting at airport

Padang-padang Beach
watching paddy terrace
Dreamland beach

Thursday, August 2, 2012

New family :)

Remember my blog that I told u about my new study group at university?
At first I thought that they will not perform at group discussion or assignments, but I'm wrong. Today, we held group performance evaluation to share heart to heart what we've been through for a month and to prepare for months ahead. Behind the jokes, laughs, chats that seem not serious, they really responsive and responsible to their tasks. On the other hand, most of my friends told me that I'm easily to panic that our assignments will not finish on time. I explained to them why I feel so rush every time I see our group schedule. It's all because my mindset that I can't rely on them, that they will ignore the tasks, etc. I realized now that I'm totally wrong. The more I'm worry, the worst my mindset will be.

In fact, I have a new family that I can be just the way I am. Thank God for my friends, bless us in our struggle in achieving our master degree.
I believe, we can conquer every obstacle we face in the future!!