Saturday, March 2, 2013

Community Awareness

To be a servant, you don't have to be a priest, missionaries, or whatsoever you name it. You can simply give your little time to people who needs it much.

The day has come, on February 10th, 2013 at Ragunan zoo, Jakarta, was my batch time to show to the three marginal communities how we committed to give the best for them. From our previous time, we had been teaching the marginal children in around Jakarta for about 4 months and that day was the final activity of our event. We made them many competitions, such as drawing, singing, etc. I was suddenly assigned to be a master of ceremony (MC) exactly at that time to replace the late MC. Hahha.. Though I was a treasurer of this activity, I got so much fun as a Master of Ceremony; laughing, chatting, sharing with them. I feel really blessed with my own life and thankful for the opportunity to share love with them.

Be good, guys! Stay blessed.