Thursday, June 6, 2013

An Affirmation Prayer

Life is like a wheel of fortune, sometimes we're on top, and other times we are not only thrown to the bottom but also being trampled to the ground. Sometimes problems come and never seem to come to a full stop. Everything seems to have gone wrong and no damage can be undone. Sleeps are filled with nightmare and at one point, there's no more tears can be shed since crying has been a painless routine. Yet, in the midst of darkness, the word of God guide me and strengthen me. I wouldn't be able to stand my ground if it wasn't for Jesus who leads me out of the river of sorrow. He fulfils all His promises and not once He let go of my hands. He said this won't be easy, but hang on, you'll get there. In the absence of hope, where problems are flooding in and even my head refuses to think clearly, I kneel down and pray

"When the world seemingly starts to despise me, all my problems seem to have no certain end, and the crook rises to stand against me, I can be still and feel peace because I know You're beside me. Tonight as I pray, I might not know where's the finish line and when it'll be over, nevertheless, I know You have a wondrous scheme in the end of the road. A sketch that is so beautiful even an extreme dreamer can't imagine. All this pain and suffering will be worth it. This path You've chosen is not easy, instead it is very hard and many times I feel like losing the fight. But every time I'm about to give in, You whisper and strengthen me, You said that You'll never leave me alone and You'll stay with me until the end. Together God, You and I, let's show these problems who the boss are. Amen."

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