Friday, June 28, 2013

Writing Notes by hand is helping indeed!

I find it is very useful when writing by hands. Well, computers are great but writing by hands is the best device for studying or even to expres your feelings. When I do research for the benefit of writing notes, I find this 4 advantages from the

1. You Learn More!

Perhaps the most important reason for writing your notes as opposed to typing them is that you actually learn more of what you've written down. This is due to something called the "Reticular Activating System" which is more active when writing than when typing.

2. It's Easier to Pay Attention

Whilst computers are great, they're also great tools for procrastination and distraction (haha!). You can't check your facebook, look at movie news or download music on a pad of paper, and when you're trying to study and learn things, that's a great "feature."

3. It's Brain Exercise

You won't just learn more, you'll actually sharper your "brain power" (otherwise known as your intelligence.) Writing has been proven to increase intelligence and the continuation of writing (such as in letters or in a journal) as one gets older keeps a brain sharp.

4. It's More Creative!

Developing a penmanship style and organizing your notes doesn't have to be a chore. It's an enjoyable thing to do when you take your time. Creating hand written notes can be both stimulating intellectually, and enjoyable from a creative point of view, whereas typing notes up on a computer is more like to feel like a job.

While everyone has their preferences for how they study and the best ways to learn, these four reasons to start writing your notes by hand should hopefully give you an excuse to at least try it out, "the old fashioned way."

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